
To download these graphics to your server, place your cursor over the desired graphic and right click with your mouse. Then choose "Save Image" and save it to your hard drive.

I currently have only one webring graphic, but more will be offered soon. I promise! If you are feeling creative, feel free to email me an Alpha Phi graphic to feature as a webring logo!

The correct code will look like this:

This Alpha Phi site is
owned by The Alpha Phi Webring.

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Powered by RingSurf!

Please do not copy the example code above because it will not work on your page!


The Alpha Phi Webring is dedicated to the International Alpha Phi Fraternity. This ring was created to connect sisters from around the globe who want to share their memories and experiences online. The webring is also a great way to share information for potential Alpha Phi members. Let's not forget the most important reason for joining the ring, to get more visits to your site!

If interested in joining the Alpha Phi Webring please keep in mind the following rules:

1. Your website does not have to be dedicated to Alpha Phi exclusivley, but should contain photos or information about Alpha Phi.

2. The Webring Mistress has the right to accept or deny any website applying for membership.

3. Sites containing vulgarity, pornography, racism or anything that may be considered offensive to others will not be considered for membership.




To join the Alpha Phi Webring:

•Submit your site to the webring. **Click Here**

•Add the code you receive by email to your website.

•Choose a webring graphic and save it to your own directory.


***YOU MUST copy one of the webring graphics provided on the left side of this page and upload it to your OWN server. Any site found stealing bandwidth will be REMOVED!!!***


Please remeber that your site will not be accepted until the ring code is placed on your page and working properly.

To properly configure the code sent to you by email, replace the following text:

***RING GRAPHIC*** = Name of the graphic you downloaded to your server.

***SITE ID*** = Your Site ID number as stated in the email.

***SITE TITLE*** = The name of you or your website.

***SITE EMAIL*** = Your email address.

If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to email the Webring Mistress.